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Study smarter, not harder

Let AI help you learn faster and more effectively



StudyFast App Preview

Live test

Multiple quiz formats to suit your learning style

Multiple Choice Quiz

Quick and effective knowledge assessment

Open-ended questions

Test your deep understanding with AI-generated questions

True or false

Rapid concept verification and learning


Perfect for memorization and quick review

How StudyFast Works

Three simple steps to accelerate your learning journey


Create a Lesson

Upload your materials or let our AI generate content


Choose Test Mode

Select from multiple testing formats


Practice & Improve

Get instant feedback and track your progress

Why Choose StudyFast

Our platform offers unique advantages for students

StudyFast AI Chatbot
AI-Powered Support
Study Smarter

Our AI-powered platform helps you focus on what matters most

Personalized Learning

Adaptive quizzes and feedback tailored to your needs


Quick assessments and targeted practice save valuable study time

Track Progress

Monitor improvement over time with detailed analytics

Choose Your Plan

Select the plan that best fits your learning needs


Basic features for casual learners

  • Up to 1 quizzes per day
  • Up to 10 messages per day
  • Access to core subjects only
  • Limited AI assistance

Advanced features for serious students

โ‚ฌ6.72 per month
  • Up to 20 quizzes per day
  • Up to 100 messages per day
  • All engineering and additional subjects
  • Best AI models
  • Priority support

What Our Users Say

Join thousands of students who are studying smarter

"StudyFast has completely transformed how I prepare for exams. The AI-generated questions are challenging and relevant."


Jamie Smith

Computer Science Student

"The personalized feedback helped me identify my weak areas in physics. I've seen a significant improvement in my grades."


Alex Kim

Physics Major

"The flashcard feature is perfect for memorizing biology terms. I can study anywhere, anytime, and track my progress."


Maria Patel

Biology Student

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